If you are like most Americans, you spend a lot of time in your primary vehicle. Whether you use it to commute to work, to transport kids to school or simply to “get around town,” you likely spend enough time in your car, SUV, van, jeep or truck that you can usually sense when something is wrong.
Yet, while it’s usually fairly easy to spot a flat tire, brakes that aren’t functioning quite right, the need for an oil change or a steering wheel that is starting to stick, not all auto-related safety challenges are immediately apparent to motorists. All too often, it takes someone getting hurt as a result of a defective part for auto companies to issue recalls in order to alert drivers that their seemingly “just fine” vehicles need immediate attention.
Is yours on the list?
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has released a list of the vehicle manufacturers that were subject to the greatest number of recalls in 2023. If the manufacturer of your personal vehicle is on this list, it’s time to use the agency’s search function to see if your model has been affected by a recall that demands your attention. The top recall activity last year involved the following manufacturers and auto parts makers:
- Ford
- General Motors
- Chrysler
- Takata
- Honda
- Toyota
- Nissan
- Pennzoil
- Volkswagen
- Hyundai
Why were vehicles and auto parts manufactured by these companies recalled last year? The top ten reasons for recalls involved issues with the following:
- Airbags
- Gas tanks
- Tires
- Child seats
- Power train
- Electrical systems
- Seatbelts
- Hydraulic brakes
- Exterior lights
If you have any doubt as to whether your vehicle has been affected by a recall, look up the model on the NHTSA’s site today for more information. What you learn just might save your life and/or the lives of others.