You can sustain serious injuries as the result of a motorcycle accident. Motorcycle riders are virtually totally unprotected, unlike the driver and passengers inside a vehicle. An injury from a motorcycle crash that you probably think of first would be to the head, particularly for anyone not wearing a helmet. But there is another injury to a motorcycle rider that can be very difficult to handle: road rash.
Road rash happens when your skin comes in contact with the pavement, especially if you are dragged on it or if you slide for a distance. The harsh, rough surface of the asphalt can easily hurt a person’s sensitive skin. According to WebMD, “Road rash can be quite painful. It can cover a large area of your body. There is also a possibility of infection and scarring if left untreated.”
What are the consequences of road rash?
Road rash is most likely to occur on your arms, knees, hands or elbows. Some cases of road rash are minor and will heal quickly without any complications. However, intense damage from road rash can cause something called a hypertrophic, or raised, scar. Skin grafting and dermabrasion are two possible remedies.
There is yet another effect of road rash called a traumatic tattoo. It isn’t a tattoo in the usual sense. It’s caused by tiny particles of glass, dirt, metal or pebbles that become embedded under the skin. If you do not do something about this soon, it may be difficult or even impossible to get them out. Extricating these particles may require a procedure called surgical scrubbing, which may require general anesthesia.
A motorcycle collision can have a serious aftermath
If a vehicle collides with your motorcycle, you can have injuries that cause discomfort and absence from work. Road rash is just one example. See what avenues are open to you to obtain compensation for your suffering.