Most women give birth without significant problems. While it may feel like an ordeal at the time, they will soon forget the struggle as they hold their healthy baby in their arms. If you are less fortunate and your baby suffered a birth injury, you may be asking yourself why. Why did it happen to my baby?
Unfortunately, birth injuries are often the result of medical mistakes.
Three ways babies get injured during delivery
The cause of some birth injuries is never known. Yet, there is plenty of information available to help medical staff know what problems to look out for. Here are three common issues:
- Damage to the spinal cord: Bundles of nerves run through your spinal cord. If medics damage the spinal cord during delivery, it could lead to paralysis. The extent of paralysis depends on the location of the damage. Often the paralysis occurs below the damaged point, so the higher the injury, the greater the paralysis.
- A lack of oxygen: Babies need a constant oxygen supply during birth, as do all humans. When something interrupts the oxygen supply, it could lead to brain damage and lifelong conditions such as cerebral palsy. Oxygen can get cut off because the umbilical cord wraps around the neck during delivery or for other reasons. Medical staff must monitor oxygen and take immediate action if they spot issues.
- Bleeding inside the brain: intracranial hemorrhage or brain bleeds are challenging to spot. They are more likely in premature births. They can occur due to the baby having a stroke or due to an infection in the mother. Hospitals need to take measures to prevent infections, spot them when they happen and treat them. Otherwise, they can cause a range of issues to both mother and child.
Determining the reason a birth injury occurred is a crucial part of any medical malpractice claim. If your child was injured during delivery, pursuing a claim can help provide for their needs. An attorney can help you learn more.